WARNING: Inner Circle Is Limited To Only 50 Students Per Batch (47/50 Spots Already Gone). Just 3 More Spots Left for Precision Trading Intensive program on 16th - 18th Nov 2018 

"I'm Looking For 3 More of My Dream Students..."

"If That's You... I Will PERSONALLY Train You in Precision Trading Intensive program To Help You Double Your No. of Wins, Profits and Your Entire Stock Portfolio over The Next 12 Months!"

"There Are Only 3 Seats Left For the Up-Coming PTI program. LAST CALL to Come On Board! 

PTI logo png transparent

Why Joey's "Inner Circle" Is

The Closest Thing To FREE Money That You'll Ever See!

Joey Choy at Precision Trading Intensive

You Could Literally Be Just A Few Small Tweaks Away From DOUBLING, TRIPLING, or even QUADRUPLING your trading income... but do you know which tweaks you need to make?

We'll Show You Inside Of The 'Inner Circle...'

PTI Manual Cover
Joey's blueprint
1 Good Trend - 1GT System
1 Explosive Trade - 1ET System

2 and a Half Day Live Event

Guaranteed to shorten the learning curve for you, where Joey, for the first time ever, literally show hands all his knowledge and extensive experience, into a Complete Blueprint to stock trading and his Killer trading Manual.

Trend Trading (1GT) Blueprint Revealed

You'll get the secret formula on every single ingredient of the Trend Trading Blueprint that allows you to maximize your profits with the trend fully, while protecting it.

Trend Trading Domination
Explosive Trading (1ET) Blueprint Revealed

This Strategy has never been mentioned before anywhere, let alone a system developed to track such trade setups. Be prepared to reap double digits gains with my inner circle.

Explosive Trading Concept and Dectection
Access to 1GT and 1ET Scanning Systems

You will be given access to the very system that has undergone years of back testing and tweaking after understanding the core concept behind the 2 Core Strategies. This has Completely simplified trading for not just me but my students.

Access to Proprietary System
PTI All-In-One Trading Spreadsheet

These are the same exact tools that Joey uses daily which cannot be found anywhere. It auto computes and tracks your performance real time, giving you the much needed information to improve.

Calculator - Precision Trading Intensive
Access to Private Inner Circle Mobile Chat Group

Get LIVE Trading opportunities delivered to you. I together with the community will share High Probability, High Potential Trade Setups real time. You can participate, ask questions and continue to hone your trading skills.

Mobile chat group - Precision Trading Intensive
Lifetime Access to Private Facebook Group

Gain access to this Private Facebook group where PTI Graduates can discuss strategies, asks questions, share trading ideas and continue to learn from one another.  Joey and his assistants will do their best to personally answer queries.

fb group - Precision Trading Intensive
PTI Graduates Quarterly Gatherings

You will be able to attend Quarterly Live gatherings for a 12 month period where Joey will review the market and key stocks with his graduates and also discuss the strategies that he has imparted to you. 

PTI Graduates quarterly gathering

Behind the Scenes of Our Closed Door Intensive Training Program

Programs with Joey Choy

Let's face it, being a trader is the loneliest job in the world.

Most people can't relate to you, and often your goals and dreams scare other people.

In our private close door event and meetups, you have a chance to work with other 5, 6, and 7 figure turnover a year traders.

Traders who are on the same page as you are... and who are also profiting from the stock market with absolute clarity.

If you're accepted... then this family will become your family...

And you will become part of our 'Inner Circle.'

PTI Gradautes group photo

Check Out These Results From

Other 'Inner Circle' Members

Who Already Took The Leap Of Faith And Joined Us...

"I trade with direction now, as from previously, it's just han tum han tum... I went back to check and found that it is very accurate, I think it is very good, you can just trade based on what has been taught... Starting with my wife, I am encouraging her to attend..." - Samuel Sim

"I wish I had know about all this before trading... It totally change everything that I know about trading... Everybody can do it, you just follow whatever Joey told you, and it's very very powerful...  It's weird that it's so simple yet it's effective... I cannot choose to ignore and not use the method...  " - Wei Ping

"No I have not seen this anywhere else, this is definitely a very powerful program and I believe it's going to help a lot of people... Based on his Blueprint, I doubt one would fail.... I am sure I can make good profits, 40% to 50% gains in time to come. I am not Surprised as I have already made some Gains...." - John Tan

"The information given is very clear, precise and quantifiable... Joey's strategy is definitely very very powerful... I am very confident that I will be able to make some serious investment gains..." - John Lim

"Its a very Step-by-Step kind of approach, it's not complicated... I have never seen it used this way, the way it is being combined, I think it is very very powerful... it's not messy, it's 1 clear step" - Sara

"This strategy that Joey presented is very simple yet very powerful... Wow, I have never seen such a strategy before... definitely will make serious gains. It's definitely value for money" - Kian Meng

"..you'll really see the counter shooting up or shooting down when it's bearish, so it's definitely powerful... 50 to 100% gains I have seen, it's proven... I would recommend to my friends because I can see results for myself... Definitely it's worth it... there is no regrets..." - Philip Toh

"He was very precise and in-depth in his explanation... I am very impressed by this Explosive Strategy, I actually went to look at stocks with this strategy in mind and I found that it actually follows hand in hand with what the strategy says..." - Michelle

"... completely no where else, this is something very new, something very innovative and I would say very useful as well. It's effective and no where else can you ever get this kind of information. Personally, I have already made serious gains..." - Weijin Seah

"It really blow my mind, its very powerful and wonderful...definitely will make very serious potential gains. I wish I could have known this much earlier... This course is definitely worth much more than what I paid for, it has shorten my learning curve so much..." - Sean Pang

"when you see an Explosive pattern, you know that there is something bound to happen, it's just a matter of time... . it's totally something that you would want to know about......after going through other courses as well, Joey's class is really the recommended one. It's totally worth it, totally worth it.. " - Kathryn Hew

(Mandarin) "I feel much more confident and my success will definitely be higher. The content is very comprehensive and easy to understand. I 100% admire Joey's teaching method. Joey is my first mentor, I am really lucky... I will use his strategy to trade..." - Jason Soh

What Are Our Graduates Saying on Facebook?

See Below for Some of the GAINS you Have Missed Over the Past Few Months....

Imagine if you have GOT IN On JUST ONE of These Stocks.... Would it take You Closer to Your Financial Goal? 

My "Inner Circle" Was Alerted with These Real Life Signals through My 1GT and 1ET Systems...

You may not understand why the Signals are there now.... BUT After Precision Trading Intensive program, you will know EXACTLY why...

In fact, I would even be really happy if you can tell me to put the signal dot there because it means you totally understand the core concept behind each of my 2 strategies.​

Can you imagine how powerful that really is?​

​What if you could just Scanned an Idiot-Proof system every night that even a 70 year old elderly can do, and in less than 5 mins pull out Gems like some of the below...

​These are just some of the stocks that were picked up on my system, imagine if you have just got in on 1 of them? 

As I have mentioned previously in the preview workshop, these are all real-life signals...

If you scanned, you followed, you executed...

You are looking at double digits percentage gains in less than 2 months!

56.9% GAIN in 3 WEEKS..... Not 2 Years, not 5 years....

And here's the thing.

What if you need an opinion on any stocks?

Perhaps a stock that you are holding on to, or thinking to buy, or whether to get out etc, and you can just ​pull out that stock on the system.

And from the system, you can look at that stock chart and....

Based on the trend bar, the proprietary index and of course the SIGNALS, you can immediately make an informed decision.​

Wouldn't you agree this is so powerful?​

Here is What Graduates Are Saying in Joey's Private Inner Circle What's App Chat Group

Inner circle Whatsapp on systems AEM
Inner circle whatsapp on System2

Real Life Discussions on High Probability and High Potential Trade Setups

As seen above, countless graduates have already benefited from active discussions in my Community that I am so Proud of....

This is what I call the "Inner Circle".

After attending Precision Trading Intensive, you are on the same page as everyone else in the community and you too can start to contribute, share and ask questions to hone your trading skills further....

Still Need More Proof?

"Ths is the First time that I am hearing such a strutured Step-by-Step program, it's very clear and concise, actually Joey just share everything. Ya of course, definitely with this Explosive Trading Strategy, it will definitely help to make serious gains..." - Kenneth Lim

"I am more confident... No, I have not seen this at other workshops before, it's pretty new and it's really kind of mind blowing... powerful and I think it's easy to apply.. this is a very content rich course..." - Yvonne Ng

"...the significant signal that shows the explosion is very clear...not only can make money also won't lose much money, gains can be 50% up to 80% in the short term, within weeks or months... Yes, course is worth the amount, it is easily made back from the profit..." - Phua Huat Lee

To be honest, there are just so many raving reviews I get from every single batch of graduates that I am just not able to put everything here or it would take you days to listen and read all of them....

But if you really want to see, read or listen to all of them, here it goes, this link here will take you to my Wall of Love... it's really quite a lot, sorry to swamp you.

If not, I think you get the point....

Real Life reviews....

Not just some made up BS many others are showing out there...

I hope you have clicked on some the videos above to see what each graduate has to say in person.

Did I Also Mention That There is a 100% Money Back Guarantee

There is Absolutely No Risk with my "You've Gotta Be Crazy" Guarantee.

There is NO ONE that I know of in Singapore that is Doing This.....

Am I Crazy?

Actually Not.

I am Just so Confident that you will find so much Value in Precision Trading Intensive program like all my other Graduates that you will have ONLY 1 REGRET.

And that is......

You REGRET NOT attending this program way earlier.

As you have heard in the preview workshop, I SHALL EMPHASIZE ONCE MORE.

"If you follow everything exactly that I have taught you, every single ingredient of the Blueprint Step-by-Step....."

"...and after 2 months, if you have not make any gains..."

"I will personally refund you your money... That's how confident I am..."

BUT I am very sure this will not happen because so far, I have had NO ONE asking for refunds....

All I got are graduates queuing up to give me a testimonial because they feel that that I have over delivered immensely...

And I am pretty sure you will help me with a testimonial too after the program...

Thanks in advance  ;)

"I attended others and I dozed off halfway, and I did not have a chance to get my refund, Joey has challenge to offer a refund if we don't like it... if you have tried somewhere else, by all means try it here and see the difference... this is a very fruitful course..." - Simon Yuen

"It's the way he explains it, very clear, very simple... in a very layman's term which I find it easy for me to understand... He gives very good examples...with the Excel sheet, we can compute and do it in a very structured manner... this is something I cannot find elsewhere..." - Christina

"...if you really follow Exactly to his blueprint, Step-by-Step, you can really make money, profits... Joey's Scanning system that picked up this stock, if you follow, you are already in the profit... What's app group is very helpful... It really give the student the whole package..." - Cyphre Goh

To be honest, I really don't know when the next program will be due to my really tight schedule.

​So if you MISS this upcoming program...

It will be at least another 6 months wait.

Yes, at least....



Because I am NOT just some trainer behind a laptop who probably teach for a living and hold previews every other week... or conduct courses every other month...

We do these stuff daily on a real life trading floor with multiple screens...

Where thousands of trades worth millions of dollars are executed monthly...

Not just by me, but by my clients and students altogether.

So you got to ACT FAST if you DON'T WANT to MISS OUT on:

- All the Ultimate Priorityhigh probability, high potential INNER CIRCLE trade setups over the next 6 months...... AND...

- All the Fast Action Bonuses - The private 1 to 1 Consultation (1hr) and the Bonus Access to 2 other markets in the system... AND...

- The Final Discounted Investment amount that were opened to ONLY the first 5 people who registered at the preview session... 

"I have never seen this Explosive strategy before and I agree that it is a super simple and straightforward thing. Anyone that is exposed to this will be super impressed and definitely you can expect to make some good returns." - Boon Thar Er

(Mandarin) "the program covers everything from basic to advance in a step-by-step manner, so it's very helpful to newbies. If you follow the 1GT strategy, I think 70-80% we will make money. The content is very rich, I am satisfied. I feel it's very worth it, I learnt something important..." - Victor Koh

"Previously when I do trading it's like pluck from the air, I didn't know when to come in when to exit... Joining this class gives me clarity... This Explosive is very simple, straightforward, no complexity, which I can't find elsewhere... definitely it's worth the money" - Arthur Collin

So... After Everything I've Told You, If You Are Interested In Joining The 'Inner Circle' Then:

You have to ACT FAST and CLICK on the Button below to check if you've made it.

The Investment amount of $3900 along with ALL THE Fast Action Bonuses still Stands BUT......

That is
ONLY FOR THE FIRST 3 PERSON who apply by 11.59pm deadline as mentioned....

After that, we would have no choice but to Release your seat to someone else...

Again, the dates for the program are:

- 16th Nov 2018, Friday (7pm to 10pm)

- 17th Nov 2018, Saturday (8am to 5pm)

- 18th Nov 2018, Sunday (8am to 5pm)

Check your calendar and schedule right now. ONLY 3 more last seats.

After that, the class is filled and yes, that's it. No more vacancy. Done. I'm sorry. 

If you have read this page all the way till here, it means you are not only keen but you are also serious about really mastering the stock market...

So what are you waiting for, click on the button below, apply and see if the 3 seats are still available.​

If this page still does not answer your concerns, I really don't know what will. 

If it is not me, then who?​

My take is, give yourself a chance, take the leap of faith.

Take a huge step forward and join countless graduates who are already trading the stock market with absolute clarity.

I trust this page has helped you to make a Sound and Informed decision to Join Precision Trading Intensive, my highest level program that has changed lives.

You now know exactly what you are getting into.

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to imparting to you all my knowledge in Precision Trading Intensive.

Take care.​

Joey Choy

Top Tier Remisier, Trader, Chief Trainer, Top Account Growth Achiever

Joey Choy profile right