What’s Your View on the Singapore Market this New Year, any Sectors or Stocks that Investors can Reposition themselves- Joey on 938 Live
Joey was interviewed on 938 Live after the trading session ended on Friday, 13 January 2017. The STI rallied strongly on Friday, being in positive territory for most part of the day and even closing [...]
Sell down in Most markets with Singapore not Spared too, why and what should we expect? – Joey on 938 Live
Joey was interviewed on 938 Live after the trading session ended on Friday, 9 September 2016. He mentioned one key reason why the market suffered weakness and when the US Markets opened the next day, [...]
Oil prices rallying to an 8-week high. Impact on the O&G Sector and market? – Joey on 938 Live
Joey was interviewed on 938 Live after the trading session ended on Friday, 19 August 2016. It was a pretty lackluster week with not much trading action on our shores. However, oil prices has rallied [...]
The Best Week We Have Seen so Far this Year, Can the Rally Continue? – Joey on 938 Live
Joey was interviewed on 938 Live after the trading session ended on Friday, 4 March 2016. This week has undeniably been the best week we have seen so far this year given the rally experienced. [...]
Getting out of a Losing Position fast is Key
Capital preservation is key when trading and we will never turn from a trader to a "Long Term" investor just because of our ego and us unwilling to accept a loss of a few hundred [...]
A Strong Rally Seen for the STI today, can the strength continue? – Joey on 938 Live
Joey was interviewed on 938 Live after the trading session ended on Friday, 5 February 2016. Do check out his quick views on the market as on the back of a strong rally seen today. [...]